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We are really proud of our Festival and it wouldn’t be the success it is, without our wonderful walk leaders and co-leaders who plan, create and test out routes throughout the year and are always looking for ways to improve the walking experience for our fabulous walkers. 


Our walkers are the heart of the Festival, whether you are joining us for the first time or coming back year after year, it is a delight to see both new and familiar faces and we want you to enjoy the walks as much as we do. 


Many of our walkers start small in terms of mileage or days and build up and it is an absolute joy to see walkers return to us each year either doing more days or bigger distances. Some walkers even end up being Walk or Co-Leaders and some even join the Committee! But whatever your reason for walking with us, regardless of days or distance, we just want you to enjoy your time with us. 


The take up of our walks has grown over the years, since starting in 2005. The Festival is organised by a Committee, made up of volunteers and representatives from partner organisations who are all passionate about what we can offer in the beautiful Gorge and in the surrounding areas within Telford and Wrekin and South Shropshire. 


Organising the Festival is a year round activity, with planning meetings, recces, programme co-ordination, securing sponsorship, publicity including website and social media communications. We are very fortunate to be supported by generous sponsors and donations, both of which enable us to provide the Festival for free, something that we will strive to continue. 


We formally meet as a Committee most months, one of which is our Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the meetings are geared around the organisation of the Festival. 


If you would like to become more involved in the work of the Festival, please get in touch at or speak to our committee members and walk leaders who are always happy to talk about our work when out walking. 


Details of our last AGM can be found here.  





Following the election of the new Management Committee at our AGM held on 3rd July 2023, the positions held for 2023-2024 are:


Officer Positions 
Chair - Jane Warman 
Secretary - Lynn Turner 
Treasurer - Mike Phillips 
Communications Officer - Lynn Turner -

The Gorge Parish Council - Maureen Bragg 
Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust (IGMT) - Vacant  
Severn Gorge Countryside Trust - Amber Bicheno

Partner Organisations 

Visit Telford - Jon Bielstein and Sarah Bird 

Walk Leaders
Mike Philips, Linda Birtwhistle, Jane Warman, Sally Williams, Ian Kelsey, Amber Bicheno and Jackie Bletcher.




You can find our GDPR Policy here: 




If you wish to join our mailing list, please contact 

From July 2021, Data is held by Eventbrite for participants booked on walks, their GDPR policy can be found at:
Eventbrite & EU Data Protection | Eventbrite Help Centre (last updated 1st September 2021) 

By booking through Eventbrite, walkers are opting in to be contacted about future festivals, other events organised by the Committee and in relation to the business of the current walking festival. 

Eventbrite information can be accessed for the purpose of Walking Festival business by the Committee and by Walk Leaders in relation to the walks they are leading.

Story of the Festival 

How We Protect Your Information 

Our Committee

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We are very proud that we can offer our festival for free, due to the generosity of our sponsors and supporters, the time and dedication of our volunteer committee, wonderful walk and co-walk leaders and the support of our walkers.

If you would like to make a donation to the festival, you can do so by bank transfer. All contributions are appreciated. 

Name: Ironbridge Gorge Walking Festival     Sort Code: 08 – 92 - 99     Account No: 65514120

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